# Chart.js - v3.1.0
# Table of contents
# Enumerations
# Classes
# Interfaces
- ActiveDataPoint
- ActiveElement
- AnimationEvent
- ArcBorderRadius
- ArcElement
- ArcHoverOptions
- ArcOptions
- ArcProps
- BarControllerChartOptions
- BarControllerDatasetOptions
- BarElement
- BarHoverOptions
- BarOptions
- BarProps
- BorderRadius
- BubbleControllerDatasetOptions
- BubbleDataPoint
- CartesianScaleOptions
- CartesianScaleTypeRegistry
- ChartArea
- ChartComponent
- ChartConfiguration
- ChartData
- ChartDatasetProperties
- ChartEvent
- ChartMeta
- ChartTypeRegistry
- CommonElementOptions
- CommonHoverOptions
- ComplexFillTarget
- ControllerDatasetOptions
- CoreChartOptions
- CoreInteractionOptions
- CoreScaleOptions
- DatasetControllerChartComponent
- DateAdapter
- Defaults
- DoughnutAnimationOptions
- DoughnutController
- DoughnutControllerChartOptions
- DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions
- Element
- ElementChartOptions
- ElementOptionsByType
- ExtendedPlugin
- FillerControllerDatasetOptions
- FillerOptions
- FontSpec
- GridLineOptions
- InteractionItem
- InteractionModeMap
- InteractionOptions
- LayoutItem
- LegendElement
- LegendItem
- LegendOptions
- LineControllerChartOptions
- LineControllerDatasetOptions
- LineElement
- LineHoverOptions
- LineOptions
- LineProps
- ParsingOptions
- Plugin
- PluginChartOptions
- PluginOptionsByType
- Point
- PointElement
- PointHoverOptions
- PointOptions
- PointPrefixedHoverOptions
- PointPrefixedOptions
- PointProps
- PolarAreaController
- PolarAreaControllerChartOptions
- PolarAreaControllerDatasetOptions
- RadarControllerDatasetOptions
- RadialLinearScale
- RadialScaleTypeRegistry
- Registry
- ScaleTypeRegistry
- ScatterDataPoint
- ScriptableContext
- ScriptableLineSegmentContext
- ScriptableScaleContext
- ScriptableTooltipContext
- Segment
- Tick
- TickOptions
- TimeScale
- TitleOptions
- TooltipCallbacks
- TooltipItem
- TooltipLabelStyle
- TooltipModel
- TooltipOptions
- TypedRegistry
- VisualElement
# Type aliases
# AnimationOptions
Ƭ AnimationOptions<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
animation | false | AnimationSpec<TType> & { onComplete? : (this : Chart, event : AnimationEvent) => void ; onProgress? : (this : Chart, event : AnimationEvent) => void } |
animations | AnimationsSpec<TType> |
transitions | TransitionsSpec<TType> |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1532 (opens new window)
# AnimationSpec
Ƭ AnimationSpec<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Name | Type | Description |
delay ? | Scriptable<number, ScriptableContext<TType>> | Delay before starting the animations. default 0 |
duration ? | Scriptable<number, ScriptableContext<TType>> | The number of milliseconds an animation takes. default 1000 |
easing ? | Scriptable<EasingFunction, ScriptableContext<TType>> | Easing function to use default 'easeOutQuart' |
loop ? | Scriptable<boolean, ScriptableContext<TType>> | If set to true, the animations loop endlessly. default false |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1476 (opens new window)
# AnimationsSpec
Ƭ AnimationsSpec<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1501 (opens new window)
# BarController
Ƭ BarController: DatasetController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:139 (opens new window)
# BubbleController
Ƭ BubbleController: DatasetController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:167 (opens new window)
# CategoryScale
Ƭ CategoryScale<O>: Scale<O>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
O | CategoryScaleOptions | CategoryScaleOptions |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2852 (opens new window)
# CategoryScaleOptions
Ƭ CategoryScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { labels
: string[] | string[][] ; max
: string | number ; min
: string | number }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2846 (opens new window)
# ChartComponentLike
Ƭ ChartComponentLike: ChartComponent | ChartComponent[] | { [key: string]: ChartComponent; }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1034 (opens new window)
# ChartDataset
Ƭ ChartDataset<TType, TData>: DeepPartial<{ [key in ChartType]: object & ChartTypeRegistry[key]["datasetOptions"]}[TType]> & ChartDatasetProperties<TType, TData>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TType | ChartType | ChartType |
TData | - | TType[] |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3341 (opens new window)
# ChartItem
Ƭ ChartItem: string | CanvasRenderingContext2D | OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D | HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas | { canvas
: HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas } | ArrayLike<CanvasRenderingContext2D | HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas>
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:506 (opens new window)
# ChartOptions
Ƭ ChartOptions<TType>: DeepPartial<CoreChartOptions<TType> & ElementChartOptions & PluginChartOptions<TType> & DatasetChartOptions<TType> & ScaleChartOptions<TType> & ChartTypeRegistry[TType][chartOptions]>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TType | ChartType | ChartType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3323 (opens new window)
# ChartType
Ƭ ChartType: keyof ChartTypeRegistry
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3302 (opens new window)
# Color
Ƭ Color: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern
Defined in: color.d.ts:1 (opens new window)
# DatasetChartOptions
Ƭ DatasetChartOptions<TType>: { [key in TType]: object}
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TType | ChartType | ChartType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3311 (opens new window)
# DecimationOptions
Ƭ DecimationOptions: LttbDecimationOptions | MinMaxDecimationOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1972 (opens new window)
# DefaultDataPoint
Ƭ DefaultDataPoint<TType>: ChartTypeRegistry[TType][defaultDataPoint][]
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3332 (opens new window)
# DoughnutDataPoint
Ƭ DoughnutDataPoint: number
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:300 (opens new window)
# EasingFunction
Ƭ EasingFunction: linear | easeInQuad | easeOutQuad | easeInOutQuad | easeInCubic | easeOutCubic | easeInOutCubic | easeInQuart | easeOutQuart | easeInOutQuart | easeInQuint | easeOutQuint | easeInOutQuint | easeInSine | easeOutSine | easeInOutSine | easeInExpo | easeOutExpo | easeInOutExpo | easeInCirc | easeOutCirc | easeInOutCirc | easeInElastic | easeOutElastic | easeInOutElastic | easeInBack | easeOutBack | easeInOutBack | easeInBounce | easeOutBounce | easeInOutBounce
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1443 (opens new window)
# FillTarget
Ƭ FillTarget: number | string | { value
: number } | start | end | origin | stack | boolean
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1980 (opens new window)
# InteractionMode
Ƭ InteractionMode: keyof InteractionModeMap
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:701 (opens new window)
# InteractionModeFunction
Ƭ InteractionModeFunction: (chart
: Chart, e
: ChartEvent, options
: InteractionOptions, useFinalPosition?
: boolean) => InteractionItem[]
# Type declaration:
▸ (chart
: Chart, e
: ChartEvent, options
: InteractionOptions, useFinalPosition?
: boolean): InteractionItem[]
# Parameters:
Name | Type |
chart | Chart |
e | ChartEvent |
options | InteractionOptions |
useFinalPosition? | boolean |
Returns: InteractionItem[]
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:663 (opens new window)
# LayoutPosition
Ƭ LayoutPosition: left | top | right | bottom | center | chartArea | { [scaleId: string]: number; }
Defined in: layout.d.ts:3 (opens new window)
# LineController
Ƭ LineController: DatasetController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:211 (opens new window)
# LinearScale
Ƭ LinearScale<O>: Scale<O>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
O | LinearScaleOptions | LinearScaleOptions |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2907 (opens new window)
# LinearScaleOptions
Ƭ LinearScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { beginAtZero
: boolean ; grace?
: string | number ; suggestedMax?
: number ; suggestedMin?
: number ; ticks
: { count
: number ; format
: Intl.NumberFormatOptions ; maxTicksLimit
: number ; precision
: number ; stepSize
: number } }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2858 (opens new window)
# LogarithmicScale
Ƭ LogarithmicScale<O>: Scale<O>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
O | LogarithmicScaleOptions | LogarithmicScaleOptions |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2932 (opens new window)
# LogarithmicScaleOptions
Ƭ LogarithmicScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { suggestedMax?
: number ; suggestedMin?
: number ; ticks
: { format
: Intl.NumberFormatOptions } }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2913 (opens new window)
# Overrides
Ƭ Overrides: { [key in ChartType]: CoreChartOptions<key> & ElementChartOptions & PluginChartOptions<key> & DatasetChartOptions<ChartType> & ScaleChartOptions<key> & ChartTypeRegistry[key]["chartOptions"]}
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:641 (opens new window)
# ParsedDataType
Ƭ ParsedDataType<TType>: ChartTypeRegistry[TType][parsedDataType]
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TType | ChartType | ChartType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3334 (opens new window)
# PieAnimationOptions
Ƭ PieAnimationOptions: DoughnutAnimationOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:319 (opens new window)
# PieController
Ƭ PieController: DoughnutController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:323 (opens new window)
# PieControllerChartOptions
Ƭ PieControllerChartOptions: DoughnutControllerChartOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:318 (opens new window)
# PieControllerDatasetOptions
Ƭ PieControllerDatasetOptions: DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:317 (opens new window)
# PieDataPoint
Ƭ PieDataPoint: DoughnutDataPoint
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:321 (opens new window)
# PointStyle
Ƭ PointStyle: circle | cross | crossRot | dash | line | rect | rectRounded | rectRot | star | triangle | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1734 (opens new window)
# PolarAreaAnimationOptions
Ƭ PolarAreaAnimationOptions: DoughnutAnimationOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:337 (opens new window)
# RadarController
Ƭ RadarController: DatasetController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:386 (opens new window)
# RadarControllerChartOptions
Ƭ RadarControllerChartOptions: LineControllerChartOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:384 (opens new window)
# RadialLinearScaleOptions
Ƭ RadialLinearScaleOptions: CoreScaleOptions & { angleLines
: { borderDash
: Scriptable<number[], ScriptableScaleContext> ; borderDashOffset
: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> ; color
: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; display
: boolean ; lineWidth
: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> } ; animate
: boolean ; beginAtZero
: boolean ; grid
: GridLineOptions ; max
: number ; min
: number ; pointLabels
: { backdropColor
: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; backdropPadding
: Scriptable<number | ChartArea, ScriptableScaleContext> ; callback
: (label
: string, index
: number) => string ; color
: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; display
: boolean ; font
: Scriptable<FontSpec, ScriptableScaleContext> } ; suggestedMax
: number ; suggestedMin
: number ; ticks
: TickOptions & { backdropColor
: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; backdropPadding
: number | ChartArea ; count
: number ; format
: Intl.NumberFormatOptions ; maxTicksLimit
: number ; precision
: number ; showLabelBackdrop
: Scriptable<boolean, ScriptableScaleContext> ; stepSize
: number } }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3029 (opens new window)
# ScaleChartOptions
Ƭ ScaleChartOptions<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TType | ChartType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
scales | object |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3317 (opens new window)
# ScaleOptions
Ƭ ScaleOptions<TScale>: DeepPartial<ScaleOptionsByType<TScale>>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TScale | ScaleType | ScaleType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3309 (opens new window)
# ScaleOptionsByType
Ƭ ScaleOptionsByType<TScale>: { [key in ScaleType]: object & ScaleTypeRegistry[key]["options"]}[TScale]
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
TScale | ScaleType | ScaleType |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3304 (opens new window)
# ScaleType
Ƭ ScaleType: keyof ScaleTypeRegistry
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3206 (opens new window)
# ScatterController
Ƭ ScatterController: LineController
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:226 (opens new window)
# ScatterControllerChartOptions
Ƭ ScatterControllerChartOptions: LineControllerChartOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:224 (opens new window)
# ScatterControllerDatasetOptions
Ƭ ScatterControllerDatasetOptions: LineControllerDatasetOptions
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:217 (opens new window)
# Scriptable
Ƭ Scriptable<T, TContext>: T | (ctx
: TContext) => T
# Type parameters:
Name |
T |
TContext |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:34 (opens new window)
# ScriptableAndArray
Ƭ ScriptableAndArray<T, TContext>: readonly T[] | Scriptable<T, TContext>
# Type parameters:
Name |
T |
TContext |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:36 (opens new window)
# ScriptableAndArrayOptions
Ƭ ScriptableAndArrayOptions<T, TContext>: { [P in keyof T]: ScriptableAndArray<T[P], TContext>}
# Type parameters:
Name |
T |
TContext |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:37 (opens new window)
# ScriptableOptions
Ƭ ScriptableOptions<T, TContext>: { [P in keyof T]: Scriptable<T[P], TContext>}
# Type parameters:
Name |
T |
TContext |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:35 (opens new window)
# TextAlign
Ƭ TextAlign: left | center | right
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1574 (opens new window)
# TimeScaleOptions
Ƭ TimeScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { adapters
: { date
: unknown } ; bounds
: ticks | data ; ticks
: { source
: labels | auto | data } ; time
: { displayFormats
: { [key: string]: string; } ; isoWeekday
: false | number ; minUnit
: TimeUnit ; parser
: string | (v
: unknown) => number ; round
: false | TimeUnit ; stepSize
: number ; tooltipFormat
: string ; unit
: false | TimeUnit } }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2938 (opens new window)
# TimeSeriesScale
Ƭ TimeSeriesScale<O>: TimeScale<O>
# Type parameters:
Name | Type | Default |
O | TimeScaleOptions | TimeScaleOptions |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3023 (opens new window)
# TimeUnit
Ƭ TimeUnit: millisecond | second | minute | hour | day | week | month | quarter | year
Defined in: adapters.d.ts:1 (opens new window)
# TooltipXAlignment
Ƭ TooltipXAlignment: left | center | right
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2253 (opens new window)
# TooltipYAlignment
Ƭ TooltipYAlignment: top | center | bottom
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2254 (opens new window)
# TransitionSpec
Ƭ TransitionSpec<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
animation | AnimationSpec<TType> |
animations | AnimationsSpec<TType> |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1523 (opens new window)
# TransitionsSpec
Ƭ TransitionsSpec<TType>: object
# Type parameters:
Name | Type |
TType | ChartType |
# Type declaration:
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1528 (opens new window)
# UpdateMode
Ƭ UpdateMode: keyof typeof UpdateModeEnum
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:525 (opens new window)
# Variables
# ArcElement
• ArcElement: ChartComponent & { prototype
: ArcElement<ArcProps, ArcOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1644 (opens new window)
# BarController
• BarController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: BarController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:140 (opens new window)
# BarElement
• BarElement: ChartComponent & { prototype
: BarElement<BarProps, BarOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1885 (opens new window)
# BubbleController
• BubbleController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: BubbleController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:168 (opens new window)
# CategoryScale
• CategoryScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: CategoryScale<CategoryScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2853 (opens new window)
# DoughnutController
• DoughnutController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: DoughnutController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:312 (opens new window)
# Element
• Element: object
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
prototype | Element<{}, {}> |
Defined in: element.d.ts:27 (opens new window)
# Filler
• Const
Filler: Plugin
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1974 (opens new window)
# Interaction
• Const
Interaction: object
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
modes | InteractionModeMap |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:703 (opens new window)
# Legend
• Const
Legend: Plugin
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2004 (opens new window)
# LineController
• LineController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: LineController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:212 (opens new window)
# LineElement
• LineElement: ChartComponent & { prototype
: LineElement<LineProps, LineOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1724 (opens new window)
# LinearScale
• LinearScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: LinearScale<LinearScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2908 (opens new window)
# LogarithmicScale
• LogarithmicScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: LogarithmicScale<LogarithmicScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2933 (opens new window)
# PieController
• PieController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: DoughnutController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:324 (opens new window)
# PointElement
• PointElement: ChartComponent & { prototype
: PointElement<PointProps, PointOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1836 (opens new window)
# PolarAreaController
• PolarAreaController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: PolarAreaController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:352 (opens new window)
# RadarController
• RadarController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: RadarController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:387 (opens new window)
# RadialLinearScale
• RadialLinearScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: RadialLinearScale<RadialLinearScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3174 (opens new window)
# ScatterController
• ScatterController: ChartComponent & { prototype
: LineController }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:227 (opens new window)
# Ticks
• Const
Ticks: object
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
formatters | object |
formatters.logarithmic | [object Object] |
formatters.numeric | [object Object] |
formatters.values | [object Object] |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1268 (opens new window)
# TimeScale
• TimeScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: TimeScale<TimeScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3018 (opens new window)
# TimeSeriesScale
• TimeSeriesScale: ChartComponent & { prototype
: TimeSeriesScale<TimeScaleOptions> }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:3024 (opens new window)
# Title
• Const
Title: Plugin
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2212 (opens new window)
# Tooltip
• Const
Tooltip: Plugin & { positioners
: { [key: string]: (items
: readonly Element[], eventPosition
: { x
: number ; y
: number }) => { x
: number ; y
: number }; } ; getActiveElements
: () => ActiveElement[] ; setActiveElements
: (active
: ActiveDataPoint[], eventPosition
: { x
: number ; y
: number }) => void }
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2332 (opens new window)
# _adapters
• Const
_adapters: object
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
_date | DateAdapter |
Defined in: adapters.d.ts:61 (opens new window)
# defaults
• Const
defaults: Defaults
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:651 (opens new window)
# layouts
• Const
layouts: object
# Type declaration:
Name | Type |
addBox | (chart : Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, item : LayoutItem) => void |
configure | (chart : Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, item : LayoutItem, options : { fullSize? : number ; position? : LayoutPosition ; weight? : number }) => void |
removeBox | (chart : Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, layoutItem : LayoutItem) => void |
update | (chart : Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, width : number, height : number) => void |
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:707 (opens new window)
# registerables
• Const
registerables: readonly ChartComponentLike[]
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:504 (opens new window)
# registry
• Const
registry: Registry
Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1060 (opens new window)