# Interface: Plugin<TType, O>

# Type parameters

Name Type Default
TType ChartType ChartType
O - AnyObject

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# id

id: string

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:746 (opens new window)

# Methods

# afterBuildTicks

OptionalafterBuildTicks(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { scale: Scale<CoreScaleOptions> }, options: O): void

desc Called after scale has build its ticks. This hook is called separately for each scale in the chart.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.scale Scale<CoreScaleOptions> The scale.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:905 (opens new window)

# afterDataLimits

OptionalafterDataLimits(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { scale: Scale<CoreScaleOptions> }, options: O): void

desc Called after scale data limits are calculated. This hook is called separately for each scale in the chart.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.scale Scale<CoreScaleOptions> The scale.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:889 (opens new window)

# afterDatasetDraw

OptionalafterDatasetDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { index: number ; meta: ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> }, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart datasets at the given args.index have been drawn (datasets are drawn in the reverse order). Note that this hook will not be called if the datasets drawing has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.index number The dataset index.
args.meta ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> The dataset metadata.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:987 (opens new window)

# afterDatasetUpdate

OptionalafterDatasetUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: false ; index: number ; meta: ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> ; mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart datasets at the given args.index has been updated. Note that this hook will not be called if the datasets update has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable false -
args.index number The dataset index.
args.meta ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> The dataset metadata.
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:864 (opens new window)

# afterDatasetsDraw

OptionalafterDatasetsDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O, cancelable: false): void

desc Called after the chart datasets have been drawn. Note that this hook will not be called if the datasets drawing has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.
cancelable false -

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:964 (opens new window)

# afterDatasetsUpdate

OptionalafterDatasetsUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true ; mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart datasets have been updated. Note that this hook will not be called if the datasets update has been previously cancelled.

since version 2.1.5

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:841 (opens new window)

# afterDraw

OptionalafterDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart has been drawn. Note that this hook will not be called if the drawing has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:947 (opens new window)

# afterEvent

OptionalafterEvent(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: false ; changed?: boolean ; event: ChartEvent ; replay: boolean }, options: O): void

desc Called after the event has been consumed. Note that this hook will not be called if the event has been previously discarded.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable false -
args.changed? boolean -
args.event ChartEvent The event object.
args.replay boolean True if this event is replayed from Chart.update
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1008 (opens new window)

# afterInit

OptionalafterInit(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called after chart has been initialized and before the first update.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:785 (opens new window)

# afterLayout

OptionalafterLayout(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart has been laid out. Note that this hook will not be called if the layout update has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:913 (opens new window)

# afterRender

OptionalafterRender(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart has been fully rendered (and animation completed). Note that this hook will not be called if the rendering has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:930 (opens new window)

# afterTooltipDraw

OptionalafterTooltipDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { tooltip: TooltipModel<TType> }, options: Record<string, unknown>): void

desc Called after drawing the tooltip. Note that this hook will not be called if the tooltip drawing has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.tooltip TooltipModel<TType> The tooltip.
options Record<string, unknown> The plugin options.

Returns: void

Inherited from: ExtendedPlugin

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2388 (opens new window)

# afterUpdate

OptionalafterUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): void

desc Called after chart has been updated and before rendering. Note that this hook will not be called if the chart update has been previously cancelled.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:804 (opens new window)

# beforeBuildTicks

OptionalbeforeBuildTicks(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { scale: Scale<CoreScaleOptions> }, options: O): void

desc Called before scale bulds its ticks. This hook is called separately for each scale in the chart.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.scale Scale<CoreScaleOptions> The scale.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:897 (opens new window)

# beforeDataLimits

OptionalbeforeDataLimits(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { scale: Scale<CoreScaleOptions> }, options: O): void

desc Called before scale data limits are calculated. This hook is called separately for each scale in the chart.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.scale Scale<CoreScaleOptions> The scale.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:881 (opens new window)

# beforeDatasetDraw

OptionalbeforeDatasetDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { index: number ; meta: ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before drawing the chart dataset at the given args.index (datasets are drawn in the reverse order). If any plugin returns false, the datasets drawing is cancelled until another render is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.index number The dataset index.
args.meta ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> The dataset metadata.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart datasets drawing.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:976 (opens new window)

# beforeDatasetUpdate

OptionalbeforeDatasetUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true ; index: number ; meta: ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> ; mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before updating the chart dataset at the given args.index. If any plugin returns false, the datasets update is cancelled until another update is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
args.index number The dataset index.
args.meta ChartMeta<Element<{}, {}>, Element<{}, {}>> The dataset metadata.
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart datasets drawing.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:853 (opens new window)

# beforeDatasetsDraw

OptionalbeforeDatasetsDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before drawing the chart datasets. If any plugin returns false, the datasets drawing is cancelled until another render is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart datasets drawing.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:956 (opens new window)

# beforeDatasetsUpdate

OptionalbeforeDatasetsUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before updating the chart datasets. If any plugin returns false, the datasets update is cancelled until another update is triggered.

since version 2.1.5

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the datasets update.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:831 (opens new window)

# beforeDraw

OptionalbeforeDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before drawing chart at every animation frame. If any plugin returns false, the frame drawing is cancelled untilanother render is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart drawing.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:939 (opens new window)

# beforeElementsUpdate

OptionalbeforeElementsUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called during the update process, before any chart elements have been created. This can be used for data decimation by changing the data array inside a dataset.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:812 (opens new window)

# beforeEvent

OptionalbeforeEvent(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true ; event: ChartEvent ; replay: boolean }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before processing the specified event. If any plugin returns false, the event will be discarded.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
args.event ChartEvent The event object.
args.replay boolean True if this event is replayed from Chart.update
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:997 (opens new window)

# beforeInit

OptionalbeforeInit(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called before initializing chart.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:778 (opens new window)

# beforeLayout

OptionalbeforeLayout(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before laying out chart. If any plugin returns false, the layout update is cancelled until another update is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart layout.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:873 (opens new window)

# beforeRender

OptionalbeforeRender(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before rendering chart. If any plugin returns false, the rendering is cancelled until another render is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart rendering.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:922 (opens new window)

# beforeTooltipDraw

OptionalbeforeTooltipDraw(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { tooltip: TooltipModel<TType> }, options: Record<string, unknown>): boolean | void

desc Called before drawing the tooltip. If any plugin returns false, the tooltip drawing is cancelled until another render is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.tooltip TooltipModel<TType> The tooltip.
options Record<string, unknown> The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart tooltip drawing.

Inherited from: ExtendedPlugin

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:2379 (opens new window)

# beforeUpdate

OptionalbeforeUpdate(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { cancelable: true ; mode: resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active }, options: O): boolean | void

desc Called before updating chart. If any plugin returns false, the update is cancelled (and thus subsequent render(s)) until another update is triggered.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.cancelable true -
args.mode resize | reset | none | hide | show | normal | active The update mode
options O The plugin options.

Returns: boolean | void

false to cancel the chart update.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:795 (opens new window)

# destroy

Optionaldestroy(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

Called after the chart has been destroyed.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1023 (opens new window)

# install

Optionalinstall(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called when plugin is installed for this chart instance. This hook is also invoked for disabled plugins (options === false).

since 3.0.0

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:755 (opens new window)

# reset

Optionalreset(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called during chart reset

since version 3.0.0

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:820 (opens new window)

# resize

Optionalresize(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: { size: { height: number ; width: number } }, options: O): void

desc Called after the chart as been resized.

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args object The call arguments.
args.size object The new canvas display size (eq. canvas.style width & height).
args.size.height number -
args.size.width number -
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1016 (opens new window)

# start

Optionalstart(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called when a plugin is starting. This happens when chart is created or plugin is enabled.

since 3.0.0

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:763 (opens new window)

# stop

Optionalstop(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

desc Called when a plugin stopping. This happens when chart is destroyed or plugin is disabled.

since 3.0.0

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:771 (opens new window)

# uninstall

Optionaluninstall(chart: Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, args: Record<string, never>, options: O): void

Called after chart is destroyed on all plugins that were installed for that chart. This hook is also invoked for disabled plugins (options === false).

since 3.0.0

# Parameters:

Name Type Description
chart Chart<bar | line | scatter | bubble | pie | doughnut | polarArea | radar, (number | ScatterDataPoint | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown> The chart instance.
args Record<string, never> The call arguments.
options O The plugin options.

Returns: void

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1031 (opens new window)