# Interface: BarControllerDatasetOptions

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# animation

animation: false | AnimationSpec<bar> & { onComplete?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void ; onProgress?: (event: AnimationEvent) => void }

Inherited from: AnimationOptions.animation

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1533 (opens new window)

# animations

animations: AnimationsSpec<bar>

Inherited from: AnimationOptions.animations

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1543 (opens new window)

# backgroundColor

backgroundColor: ScriptableAndArray<Color, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.backgroundColor

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1588 (opens new window)

# barPercentage

barPercentage: number

Percent (0-1) of the available width each bar should be within the category width. 1.0 will take the whole category width and put the bars right next to each other.

default 0.9

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:103 (opens new window)

# barThickness

barThickness: number | flex

Manually set width of each bar in pixels. If set to 'flex', it computes "optimal" sample widths that globally arrange bars side by side. If not set (default), bars are equally sized based on the smallest interval.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:113 (opens new window)

# base

base: ScriptableAndArray<number, ScriptableContext<bar>>

The base value for the bar in data units along the value axis.

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.base

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1854 (opens new window)

# borderColor

borderColor: ScriptableAndArray<Color, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.borderColor

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1587 (opens new window)

# borderRadius

borderRadius: ScriptableAndArray<number | BorderRadius, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Border radius

default 0

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.borderRadius

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1866 (opens new window)

# borderSkipped

borderSkipped: ScriptableAndArray<false | start | end | left | right | bottom | top, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Skipped (excluded) border: 'start', 'end', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top' or false (none).

default 'start'

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.borderSkipped

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1860 (opens new window)

# borderWidth

borderWidth: ScriptableAndArray<number, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.borderWidth

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1586 (opens new window)

# categoryPercentage

categoryPercentage: number

Percent (0-1) of the available width each category should be within the sample width.

default 0.8

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:108 (opens new window)

# clip

clip: number | ChartArea

How to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. 0 = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0}

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.clip

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:64 (opens new window)

# hidden

hidden: boolean

Configures the visibility state of the dataset. Set it to true, to hide the dataset from the chart.

default false

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.hidden

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:82 (opens new window)

# hoverBackgroundColor

hoverBackgroundColor: ScriptableAndArray<Color, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.hoverBackgroundColor

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1594 (opens new window)

# hoverBorderColor

hoverBorderColor: ScriptableAndArray<Color, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.hoverBorderColor

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1593 (opens new window)

# hoverBorderWidth

hoverBorderWidth: ScriptableAndArray<number, ScriptableContext<bar>>

Inherited from: ScriptableAndArrayOptions.hoverBorderWidth

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1592 (opens new window)

# indexAxis

indexAxis: x | y

The base axis of the chart. 'x' for vertical charts and 'y' for horizontal charts.

default 'x'

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.indexAxis

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:60 (opens new window)

# label

label: string

The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips.

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.label

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:68 (opens new window)

# maxBarThickness

maxBarThickness: number

Set this to ensure that bars are not sized thicker than this.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:118 (opens new window)

# minBarLength

minBarLength: number

Set this to ensure that bars have a minimum length in pixels.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:123 (opens new window)

# normalized

normalized: boolean

Chart.js is fastest if you provide data with indices that are unique, sorted, and consistent across datasets and provide the normalized: true option to let Chart.js know that you have done so.

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.normalized

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:52 (opens new window)

# order

order: number

The drawing order of dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip and legend.

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.order

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:72 (opens new window)

# parsing

parsing: false | { [key: string]: string; }

How to parse the dataset. The parsing can be disabled by specifying parsing: false at chart options or dataset. If parsing is disabled, data must be sorted and in the formats the associated chart type and scales use internally.

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.parsing

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:43 (opens new window)

# pointStyle

pointStyle: PointStyle

Point style for the legend

default 'circle;

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:129 (opens new window)

# stack

stack: string

The ID of the group to which this dataset belongs to (when stacked, each group will be a separate stack).

Inherited from: ControllerDatasetOptions.stack

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:77 (opens new window)

# transitions

transitions: TransitionsSpec<bar>

Inherited from: AnimationOptions.transitions

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:1544 (opens new window)

# xAxisID

xAxisID: string

The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:93 (opens new window)

# yAxisID

yAxisID: string

The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on.

Defined in: index.esm.d.ts:97 (opens new window)