# Class: ArcElement

# Hierarchy

# Constructors

# constructor

new ArcElement(cfg)

# Parameters

Name Type
cfg any

# Overrides

Element<ArcProps, ArcOptions&gt;.constructor

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:288 (opens new window)

# Properties

# $animations

$animations: Record<keyof ArcProps, Animation>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:15 (opens new window)

# active

active: boolean = false

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:13 (opens new window)

# circumference

circumference: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:280 (opens new window)

# endAngle

endAngle: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:281 (opens new window)

# fullCircles

fullCircles: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:282 (opens new window)

# innerRadius

innerRadius: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:283 (opens new window)

# options

options: ArcOptions

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:14 (opens new window)

# outerRadius

outerRadius: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:284 (opens new window)

# pixelMargin

pixelMargin: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:285 (opens new window)

# startAngle

startAngle: number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:286 (opens new window)

# x

x: number

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:11 (opens new window)

# y

y: number

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:12 (opens new window)

# defaultRoutes

Static defaultRoutes: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
backgroundColor string

# Overrides


# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:276 (opens new window)

# defaults

Static defaults: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
angle any
borderAlign string
borderColor string
borderJoinStyle any
borderRadius number
borderWidth number
circular boolean
offset number
spacing number

# Overrides


# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:264 (opens new window)

# id

Static id: string = 'arc'

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:262 (opens new window)

# Methods

# draw

draw(ctx): void

# Parameters

Name Type
ctx CanvasRenderingContext2D

# Returns


# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:346 (opens new window)

# getCenterPoint

getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition): Object

# Parameters

Name Type
useFinalPosition boolean

# Returns


Name Type
x number
y number

# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:323 (opens new window)

# getProps

getProps<P>(props, final?): Pick<ArcProps, P[number]>

Gets the current or final value of each prop. Can return extra properties (whole object).

# Type parameters

Name Type
P extends keyof ArcProps[]

# Parameters

Name Type Description
props P properties to get
final? boolean get the final value (animation target)

# Returns

Pick<ArcProps, P[number]>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:31 (opens new window)

getProps<P>(props, final?): Partial<Record<P, unknown>>

# Type parameters

Name Type
P extends string

# Parameters

Name Type
props P[]
final? boolean

# Returns

Partial<Record<P, unknown>>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:32 (opens new window)

# hasValue

hasValue(): boolean

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:22 (opens new window)

# inRange

inRange(chartX, chartY, useFinalPosition): boolean

# Parameters

Name Type
chartX number
chartY number
useFinalPosition boolean

# Returns


# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:305 (opens new window)

# tooltipPosition

tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition): Object

# Parameters

Name Type
useFinalPosition boolean

# Returns


Name Type
x number
y number

# Overrides


# Defined in

elements/element.arc.ts:342 (opens new window)