# Chart.js - v4.3.3

# Enumerations

# Classes

# Interfaces

# Type Aliases

# Align

Ƭ Align: "start" | "center" | "end"

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1784 (opens new window)

# AnimationOptions

Ƭ AnimationOptions<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Type declaration

Name Type
animation false | AnimationSpec<TType> & { onComplete?: (this: Chart, event: AnimationEvent) => void ; onProgress?: (this: Chart, event: AnimationEvent) => void }
animations AnimationsSpec<TType>
transitions TransitionsSpec<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1737 (opens new window)

# AnimationSpec

Ƭ AnimationSpec<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Type declaration

Name Type Description
delay? Scriptable<number, ScriptableContext<TType>> Delay before starting the animations. Default 0
duration? Scriptable<number, ScriptableContext<TType>> The number of milliseconds an animation takes. Default 1000
easing? Scriptable<EasingFunction, ScriptableContext<TType>> Easing function to use Default 'easeOutQuart'
loop? Scriptable<boolean, ScriptableContext<TType>> If set to true, the animations loop endlessly. Default false

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1681 (opens new window)

# AnimationsSpec

Ƭ AnimationsSpec<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Index signature

▪ [name: string]: false | AnimationSpec<TType> & { fn: <T>(from: T, to: T, factor: number) => T ; from: Scriptable<Color | number | boolean, ScriptableContext<TType>> ; properties: string[] ; to: Scriptable<Color | number | boolean, ScriptableContext<TType>> ; type: "color" | "number" | "boolean" }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1706 (opens new window)

# BarController

Ƭ BarController: DatasetController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:156 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:157 (opens new window)

# BubbleController

Ƭ BubbleController: DatasetController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:183 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:184 (opens new window)

# CartesianTickOptions

Ƭ CartesianTickOptions: TickOptions & { align: Align | "inner" ; autoSkip: boolean ; autoSkipPadding: number ; crossAlign: "near" | "center" | "far" ; includeBounds: boolean ; labelOffset: number ; maxRotation: number ; maxTicksLimit: number ; minRotation: number ; mirror: boolean ; padding: number ; sampleSize: number }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3081 (opens new window)

# CategoryScale

Ƭ CategoryScale<O>: Scale<O>

# Type parameters

Name Type
O extends CategoryScaleOptions = CategoryScaleOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3248 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3249 (opens new window)

# CategoryScaleOptions

Ƭ CategoryScaleOptions: Omit<CartesianScaleOptions, "min" | "max"> & { labels: string[] | string[][] ; max: string | number ; min: string | number }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3242 (opens new window)

# ChartComponentLike

Ƭ ChartComponentLike: ChartComponent | ChartComponent[] | { [key: string]: ChartComponent; } | Plugin | Plugin[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1125 (opens new window)

# ChartDataset

Ƭ ChartDataset<TType, TData>: DeepPartial<{ [key in ChartType]: Object & ChartTypeRegistry[key]["datasetOptions"] }[TType]> & ChartDatasetProperties<TType, TData>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType
TData DefaultDataPoint<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3763 (opens new window)

# ChartDatasetCustomTypesPerDataset

Ƭ ChartDatasetCustomTypesPerDataset<TType, TData>: DeepPartial<{ [key in ChartType]: Object & ChartTypeRegistry[key]["datasetOptions"] }[TType]> & ChartDatasetPropertiesCustomTypesPerDataset<TType, TData>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType
TData DefaultDataPoint<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3770 (opens new window)

# ChartItem

Ƭ ChartItem: string | CanvasRenderingContext2D | HTMLCanvasElement | { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement } | ArrayLike<CanvasRenderingContext2D | HTMLCanvasElement>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:563 (opens new window)

# ChartMeta

Ƭ ChartMeta<TType, TElement, TDatasetElement>: DeepPartial<{ [key in ChartType]: ChartTypeRegistry[key]["metaExtensions"] }[TType]> & ChartMetaCommon<TElement, TDatasetElement>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType
TElement extends Element = Element
TDatasetElement extends Element = Element

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:467 (opens new window)

# ChartOptions

Ƭ ChartOptions<TType>: DeepPartial<CoreChartOptions<TType> & ElementChartOptions<TType> & PluginChartOptions<TType> & DatasetChartOptions<TType> & ScaleChartOptions<TType> & ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["chartOptions"]>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3740 (opens new window)

# ChartType

Ƭ ChartType: keyof ChartTypeRegistry

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3719 (opens new window)

# Color

Ƭ Color: string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern

# Defined in

types/color.d.ts:1 (opens new window)

# DatasetChartOptions

Ƭ DatasetChartOptions<TType>: { [key in TType]: Object }

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3728 (opens new window)

# DecimationOptions

Ƭ DecimationOptions: LttbDecimationOptions | MinMaxDecimationOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2211 (opens new window)

# DefaultDataPoint

Ƭ DefaultDataPoint<TType>: DistributiveArray<ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["defaultDataPoint"]>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3749 (opens new window)

# DoughnutDataPoint

Ƭ DoughnutDataPoint: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:338 (opens new window)

# EasingFunction

Ƭ EasingFunction: keyof typeof effects

# Defined in

helpers/helpers.easing.ts:122 (opens new window)

# ElementChartOptions

Ƭ ElementChartOptions<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType

# Type declaration

Name Type
elements ElementOptionsByType<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2127 (opens new window)

# FillTarget

Ƭ FillTarget: number | string | { value: number } | "start" | "end" | "origin" | "stack" | "shape" | boolean

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2219 (opens new window)

# InteractionAxis

Ƭ InteractionAxis: "x" | "y" | "xy" | "r"

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1553 (opens new window)

# InteractionMode

Ƭ InteractionMode: keyof InteractionModeMap

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:761 (opens new window)

# InteractionModeFunction

Ƭ InteractionModeFunction: (chart: Chart, e: ChartEvent, options: InteractionOptions, useFinalPosition?: boolean) => InteractionItem[]

# Type declaration

▸ (chart, e, options, useFinalPosition?): InteractionItem[]

# Parameters
Name Type
chart Chart
e ChartEvent
options InteractionOptions
useFinalPosition? boolean
# Returns


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:723 (opens new window)

# LayoutPosition

Ƭ LayoutPosition: "left" | "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "center" | "chartArea" | { [scaleId: string]: number; }

# Defined in

types/layout.d.ts:3 (opens new window)

# LineController

Ƭ LineController: DatasetController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:229 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:230 (opens new window)

# LinearScale

Ƭ LinearScale<O>: Scale<O>

# Type parameters

Name Type
O extends LinearScaleOptions = LinearScaleOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3297 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3298 (opens new window)

# LinearScaleOptions

Ƭ LinearScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { beginAtZero: boolean ; grace?: string | number ; suggestedMax?: number ; suggestedMin?: number ; ticks: { count: number ; format: Intl.NumberFormatOptions ; precision: number ; stepSize: number } }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3254 (opens new window)

# LogarithmicScale

Ƭ LogarithmicScale<O>: Scale<O>

# Type parameters

Name Type
O extends LogarithmicScaleOptions = LogarithmicScaleOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3321 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3322 (opens new window)

# LogarithmicScaleOptions

Ƭ LogarithmicScaleOptions: CartesianScaleOptions & { suggestedMax?: number ; suggestedMin?: number ; ticks: { format: Intl.NumberFormatOptions } }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3303 (opens new window)

# Overrides

Ƭ Overrides: { [key in ChartType]: CoreChartOptions<key> & ElementChartOptions<key> & PluginChartOptions<key> & DatasetChartOptions<ChartType> & ScaleChartOptions<key> & ChartTypeRegistry[key]["chartOptions"] }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:700 (opens new window)

# ParsedDataType

Ƭ ParsedDataType<TType>: ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["parsedDataType"]

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3751 (opens new window)

# PieAnimationOptions

Ƭ PieAnimationOptions: DoughnutAnimationOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:361 (opens new window)

# PieController

Ƭ PieController: DoughnutController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:366 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:367 (opens new window)

# PieControllerChartOptions

Ƭ PieControllerChartOptions: DoughnutControllerChartOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:360 (opens new window)

# PieControllerDatasetOptions

Ƭ PieControllerDatasetOptions: DoughnutControllerDatasetOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:359 (opens new window)

# PieDataPoint

Ƭ PieDataPoint: DoughnutDataPoint

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:363 (opens new window)

# PieMetaExtensions

Ƭ PieMetaExtensions: DoughnutMetaExtensions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:364 (opens new window)

# PointProps

Ƭ PointProps: Point

# Defined in

elements/element.point.ts:18 (opens new window)

# PointStyle

Ƭ PointStyle: "circle" | "cross" | "crossRot" | "dash" | "line" | "rect" | "rectRounded" | "rectRot" | "star" | "triangle" | false | HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1959 (opens new window)

# PolarAreaAnimationOptions

Ƭ PolarAreaAnimationOptions: DoughnutAnimationOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:380 (opens new window)

# RadarController

Ƭ RadarController: DatasetController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:427 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:428 (opens new window)

# RadarControllerChartOptions

Ƭ RadarControllerChartOptions: LineControllerChartOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:425 (opens new window)

# RadialLinearScaleOptions

Ƭ RadialLinearScaleOptions: CoreScaleOptions & { angleLines: { borderDash: Scriptable<number[], ScriptableScaleContext> ; borderDashOffset: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> ; color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext> ; display: boolean ; lineWidth: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext> } ; animate: boolean ; backgroundColor: Color ; beginAtZero: boolean ; grid: Partial<GridLineOptions> ; max: number ; min: number ; pointLabels: { backdropColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; backdropPadding: Scriptable<number | ChartArea, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; borderRadius: Scriptable<number | BorderRadius, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; callback: (label: string, index: number) => string | string[] | number | number[] ; centerPointLabels: boolean ; color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; display: boolean | "auto" ; font: ScriptableAndScriptableOptions<Partial<FontSpec>, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> ; padding: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScalePointLabelContext> } ; startAngle: number ; suggestedMax: number ; suggestedMin: number ; ticks: RadialTickOptions }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3461 (opens new window)

# RadialTickOptions

Ƭ RadialTickOptions: TickOptions & { count: number ; format: Intl.NumberFormatOptions ; maxTicksLimit: number ; precision: number ; stepSize: number }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3433 (opens new window)

# ScaleChartOptions

Ƭ ScaleChartOptions<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType = ChartType

# Type declaration

Name Type
scales { [key: string]: ScaleOptionsByType<ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["scales"]>; }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3734 (opens new window)

# ScaleOptions

Ƭ ScaleOptions<TScale>: DeepPartial<ScaleOptionsByType<TScale>>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TScale extends ScaleType = ScaleType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3726 (opens new window)

# ScaleOptionsByType

Ƭ ScaleOptionsByType<TScale>: { [key in ScaleType]: Object & ScaleTypeRegistry[key]["options"] }[TScale]

# Type parameters

Name Type
TScale extends ScaleType = ScaleType

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3721 (opens new window)

# ScaleType

Ƭ ScaleType: keyof ScaleTypeRegistry

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3618 (opens new window)

# ScatterController

Ƭ ScatterController: LineController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:241 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:242 (opens new window)

# ScatterControllerChartOptions

Ƭ ScatterControllerChartOptions: LineControllerChartOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:239 (opens new window)

# ScatterControllerDatasetOptions

Ƭ ScatterControllerDatasetOptions: LineControllerDatasetOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:235 (opens new window)

# ScatterDataPoint

Ƭ ScatterDataPoint: Point

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:237 (opens new window)

# Scriptable

Ƭ Scriptable<T, TContext>: T | (ctx: TContext, options: AnyObject) => T | undefined

# Type parameters


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:44 (opens new window)

# ScriptableAndArray

Ƭ ScriptableAndArray<T, TContext>: readonly T[] | Scriptable<T, TContext>

# Type parameters


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:47 (opens new window)

# ScriptableAndArrayOptions

Ƭ ScriptableAndArrayOptions<T, TContext>: { [P in keyof T]: ScriptableAndArray<T[P], TContext> }

# Type parameters


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:48 (opens new window)

# ScriptableAndScriptableOptions

Ƭ ScriptableAndScriptableOptions<T, TContext>: Scriptable<T, TContext> | ScriptableOptions<T, TContext>

# Type parameters


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:46 (opens new window)

# ScriptableOptions

Ƭ ScriptableOptions<T, TContext>: { [P in keyof T]: Scriptable<T[P], TContext> }

# Type parameters


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:45 (opens new window)

# TextAlign

Ƭ TextAlign: "left" | "center" | "right"

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1783 (opens new window)

# TimeScaleOptions

Ƭ TimeScaleOptions: Omit<CartesianScaleOptions, "min" | "max"> & { adapters: { date: unknown } ; bounds: "ticks" | "data" ; max: string | number ; min: string | number ; offsetAfterAutoskip: boolean ; suggestedMax: string | number ; suggestedMin: string | number ; ticks: TimeScaleTickOptions ; time: TimeScaleTimeOptions }

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3382 (opens new window)

# TimeScaleTickOptions

Ƭ TimeScaleTickOptions: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type Description
source "labels" | "auto" | "data" Ticks generation input values: - 'auto': generates "optimal" ticks based on scale size and time options. - 'data': generates ticks from data (including labels from data {t\|x\|y} objects). - 'labels': generates ticks from user given data.labels values ONLY. See https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/pull/4507 Since 2.7.0 Default 'auto'
stepSize number The number of units between grid lines. Default 1

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3364 (opens new window)

# TimeScaleTimeOptions

Ƭ TimeScaleTimeOptions: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type Description
displayFormats { [key: string]: string; } Sets how different time units are displayed.
isoWeekday boolean | number If boolean and true and the unit is set to 'week', then the first day of the week will be Monday. Otherwise, it will be Sunday. If number, the index of the first day of the week (0 - Sunday, 6 - Saturday). Default false
minUnit TimeUnit The minimum display format to be used for a time unit. Default 'millisecond'
parser string | (v: unknown) => number Custom parser for dates.
round false | TimeUnit If defined, dates will be rounded to the start of this unit. See Time Units below for the allowed units.
tooltipFormat string The format string to use for the tooltip.
unit false | TimeUnit If defined, will force the unit to be a certain type. See Time Units section below for details. Default false

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3327 (opens new window)

# TimeSeriesScale

Ƭ TimeSeriesScale<O>: TimeScale<O>

# Type parameters

Name Type
O extends TimeScaleOptions = TimeScaleOptions

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3427 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3428 (opens new window)

# TooltipPositioner

Ƭ TooltipPositioner: keyof TooltipPositionerMap

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2641 (opens new window)

# TooltipPositionerFunction

Ƭ TooltipPositionerFunction<TType>: (this: TooltipModel<TType>, items: readonly ActiveElement[], eventPosition: Point) => TooltipPosition | false

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Type declaration

▸ (this, items, eventPosition): TooltipPosition | false

# Parameters
Name Type
this TooltipModel<TType>
items readonly ActiveElement[]
eventPosition Point
# Returns

TooltipPosition | false

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2630 (opens new window)

# TooltipXAlignment

Ƭ TooltipXAlignment: "left" | "center" | "right"

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2541 (opens new window)

# TooltipYAlignment

Ƭ TooltipYAlignment: "top" | "center" | "bottom"

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2542 (opens new window)

# TransitionSpec

Ƭ TransitionSpec<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Type declaration

Name Type
animation AnimationSpec<TType>
animations AnimationsSpec<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1728 (opens new window)

# TransitionsSpec

Ƭ TransitionsSpec<TType>: Object

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Index signature

▪ [mode: string]: TransitionSpec<TType>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1733 (opens new window)

# UpdateMode

Ƭ UpdateMode: keyof typeof UpdateModeEnum

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:580 (opens new window)

# Variables

# BarController

BarController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => BarController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:156 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:157 (opens new window)

# BarElement

BarElement: ChartComponent & (cfg: AnyObject) => BarElement<BarProps, BarOptions>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2110 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:2115 (opens new window)

# BubbleController

BubbleController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => BubbleController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:183 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:184 (opens new window)

# CategoryScale

CategoryScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => CategoryScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3248 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3249 (opens new window)

# Decimation

Const Decimation: Plugin

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2191 (opens new window)

# DoughnutController

DoughnutController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => DoughnutController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:340 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:350 (opens new window)

# Filler

Const Filler: Plugin

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2213 (opens new window)

# Interaction

Const Interaction: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
modes InteractionModeMap
evaluateInteractionItems (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, axis: InteractionAxis, position: Point, handler: (element: default<AnyObject, AnyObject> & VisualElement, datasetIndex: number, index: number) => void, intersect?: boolean) => InteractionItem[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:763 (opens new window)

# Legend

Const Legend: Plugin

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2243 (opens new window)

# LineController

LineController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => LineController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:229 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:230 (opens new window)

# LineElement

LineElement: ChartComponent & (cfg: AnyObject) => LineElement<LineProps, LineOptions>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1941 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:1954 (opens new window)

# LinearScale

LinearScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => LinearScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3297 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3298 (opens new window)

# LogarithmicScale

LogarithmicScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => LogarithmicScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3321 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3322 (opens new window)

# PieController

PieController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => DoughnutController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:366 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:367 (opens new window)

# PolarAreaController

PolarAreaController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => PolarAreaController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:392 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:395 (opens new window)

# RadarController

RadarController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => RadarController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:427 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:428 (opens new window)

# RadialLinearScale

RadialLinearScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => RadialLinearScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3576 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3586 (opens new window)

# ScatterController

ScatterController: ChartComponent & (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, datasetIndex: number) => LineController

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:241 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:242 (opens new window)

# SubTitle

Const SubTitle: Plugin

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2499 (opens new window)

# Ticks

Const Ticks: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
formatters { logarithmic: (tickValue: number, index: number, ticks: { value: number }[]) => string ; numeric: (tickValue: number, index: number, ticks: { value: number }[]) => string ; values: (value: unknown) => string | string[] }
formatters.logarithmic [object Object]
formatters.numeric [object Object]
formatters.values [object Object]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1487 (opens new window)

# TimeScale

TimeScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => TimeScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3415 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3422 (opens new window)

# TimeSeriesScale

TimeSeriesScale: ChartComponent & <O>(cfg: AnyObject) => TimeSeriesScale<O>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:3427 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:3428 (opens new window)

# Title

Const Title: Plugin

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2500 (opens new window)

# Tooltip

Tooltip: Tooltip

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2643 (opens new window)

types/index.d.ts:2647 (opens new window)

# defaults

Const defaults: Defaults

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:710 (opens new window)

# layouts

Const layouts: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type
addBox (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, item: LayoutItem) => void
configure (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, item: LayoutItem, options: { fullSize?: number ; position?: LayoutPosition ; weight?: number }) => void
removeBox (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, layoutItem: LayoutItem) => void
update (chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>, width: number, height: number) => void

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:778 (opens new window)

# registerables

Const registerables: readonly ChartComponentLike[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:561 (opens new window)

# registry

Const registry: Registry

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:1151 (opens new window)