# Interface: TooltipItem<TType>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Properties

# chart

chart: Chart<keyof ChartTypeRegistry, (number | [number, number] | Point | BubbleDataPoint)[], unknown>

The chart the tooltip is being shown on

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2888 (opens new window)

# dataIndex

dataIndex: number

Index of this data item in the dataset

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2923 (opens new window)

# dataset

dataset: UnionToIntersection<ChartDataset<TType, DistributiveArray<ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["defaultDataPoint"]>>>

The dataset the item comes from

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2913 (opens new window)

# datasetIndex

datasetIndex: number

Index of the dataset the item comes from

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2918 (opens new window)

# element

element: default<AnyObject, AnyObject>

The chart element (point, arc, bar, etc.) for this tooltip item

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2928 (opens new window)

# formattedValue

formattedValue: string

Formatted value for the tooltip

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2908 (opens new window)

# label

label: string

Label for the tooltip

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2893 (opens new window)

# parsed

parsed: UnionToIntersection<ParsedDataType<TType>>

Parsed data values for the given dataIndex and datasetIndex

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2898 (opens new window)

# raw

raw: unknown

Raw data values for the given dataIndex and datasetIndex

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2903 (opens new window)