# Interface: TooltipModel<TType>

# Type parameters

Name Type
TType extends ChartType

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# $animations

$animations: Record<string, Animation>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:15 (opens new window)

# active

active: boolean = false

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:13 (opens new window)

# afterBody

afterBody: string[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2600 (opens new window)

# beforeBody

beforeBody: string[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2598 (opens new window)

# body

body: { after: string[] ; before: string[] ; lines: string[] }[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2596 (opens new window)

# caretX

caretX: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2587 (opens new window)

# caretY

caretY: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2588 (opens new window)

# chart

Readonly chart: Chart<TType, DistributiveArray<ChartTypeRegistry[TType]["defaultDataPoint"]>, unknown>

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2572 (opens new window)

# dataPoints

dataPoints: TooltipItem<TType>[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2575 (opens new window)

footer: string[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2608 (opens new window)

# height

height: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2585 (opens new window)

# labelColors

labelColors: TooltipLabelStyle[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2611 (opens new window)

# labelPointStyles

labelPointStyles: { pointStyle: PointStyle ; rotation: number }[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2613 (opens new window)

# labelTextColors

labelTextColors: Color[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2612 (opens new window)

# opacity

opacity: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2616 (opens new window)

# options

options: TooltipOptions<TType>

# Overrides


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2619 (opens new window)

# title

title: string[]

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2604 (opens new window)

# width

width: number

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2584 (opens new window)

# x

x: number

# Overrides


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2582 (opens new window)

# xAlign

xAlign: TooltipXAlignment

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2578 (opens new window)

# y

y: number

# Overrides


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2583 (opens new window)

# yAlign

yAlign: TooltipYAlignment

# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2579 (opens new window)

# Methods

# getActiveElements

getActiveElements(): ActiveElement[]

# Returns


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2621 (opens new window)

# getProps

getProps<P>(props, final?): Pick<AnyObject, P[number]>

Gets the current or final value of each prop. Can return extra properties (whole object).

# Type parameters

Name Type
P extends string[]

# Parameters

Name Type Description
props P properties to get
final? boolean get the final value (animation target)

# Returns

Pick<AnyObject, P[number]>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:31 (opens new window)

getProps<P>(props, final?): Partial<Record<P, unknown>>

# Type parameters

Name Type
P extends string

# Parameters

Name Type
props P[]
final? boolean

# Returns

Partial<Record<P, unknown>>

# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:32 (opens new window)

# hasValue

hasValue(): boolean

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:22 (opens new window)

# setActiveElements

setActiveElements(active, eventPosition): void

# Parameters

Name Type
active ActiveDataPoint[]
eventPosition Point

# Returns


# Defined in

types/index.d.ts:2622 (opens new window)

# tooltipPosition

tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition): Point

# Parameters

Name Type
useFinalPosition boolean

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

core/core.element.ts:17 (opens new window)