Utils.srand(10);// parseISODate returns a luxon date object to work with in the samples// We will create points every 30s starting from this point in timeconst start = Utils.parseISODate('2021-04-01T00:00:00Z').toMillis();const pointData =[];for(let i =0; i <NUM_POINTS;++i){// Most data will be in the range [0, 20) but some rare data will be in the range [0, 100)const max = Math.random()<0.001?100:20;
pointData.push({x: start +(i *30000),y: Utils.rand(0, max)});}const data ={datasets:[{borderColor:,borderWidth:1,data: pointData,label:'Large Dataset',radius:0,}]};
const config ={type:'line',data: data,options:{// Turn off animations and data parsing for performanceanimation:false,parsing:false,interaction:{mode:'nearest',axis:'x',intersect:false},plugins:{decimation: decimation,},scales:{x:{type:'time',ticks:{source:'auto',// Disabled rotation for performancemaxRotation:0,autoSkip:true,}}}}};