# 2.x Migration Guide

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 introduces a number of breaking changes. In order to improve performance, offer new features, and improve maintainability, it was necessary to break backwards compatibility, but we aimed to do so only when worth the benefit.

# Chart.js version

The annotation plugin requires at least version 3.7.0 to work because of some bug fixes that happened within chart.js itself.

# Options

A number of changes were made to the configuration options passed to the plugin configuration. Those changes are documented below.

  • xScaleID option default has been changed, now set to undefined. If the option is missing, the plugin will try to use the first scale of the chart, configured as 'x' axis. If more than one scale has been defined in the chart as 'x' axis, the option is mandatory to select the right scale.
  • yScaleID option default has been changed, now set to undefined. If the option is missing, the plugin will try to use the first scale of the chart, configured as 'y' axis. If more than one scale has been defined in the chart as 'y' axis, the option is mandatory to select the right scale.
  • When stacked scales (opens new window) are used, instead of the whole chart area, the designated scale area is used as fallback for xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xValue or yValue options.
  • position for the label of the line annotation changes the behavior when start or end is set, and when the line annotation location is defined by xMin, xMax, yMin, and yMax options.
    • in the previous version 1.x, if the position was set to start or end, it was calculated using chart area dimension (when start using top or left, when end using bottom or right).
    • in version 2.x, if the position is set to start, it is the point where the line starts being drawn, and when set to end, it is the point where the line ends drawing. The xMin, xMax, yMin, and yMax options are not related to the chart area anymore but are related to the values sequence (and their order) on the associated scale.
  • cornerRadius option was replaced by borderRadius in the box annotation configuration and in the label configuration of line annotation to align with Chart.js options.
  • xPadding and yPadding options were merged into a single padding object in the label configuration of line annotation to align with Chart.js options.
  • enabled option was replaced by display in the callout configuration of label annotation, in the label configuration of line and box annotations and in the arrow heads configuration of line annotation to have the same option on all elements.
  • dblClickSpeed option was removed from the plugin options because dblclick event hook is not available anymore.
  • drawTime option at top level plugin configuration is moved to new common object in the plugin annotation options, which contains options to apply to all annotations:
plugins: {
  annotation: {
    common: {
      drawTime: 'afterDraw'
    annotations: [

# Elements

In chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 the label of box and line annotations is a sub-element. This has changed how to access to the label options. Now the label options are at element.label.options. The following example shows how to show and hide the label when the mouse is hovering the box:

type: 'box', // or 'line'
enter: function({element}) {
  element.label.options.display = true;
  return true;
leave: function({element}) {
  element.label.options.display = false;
  return true;

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 removes the clipping of the label to the box annotation size.

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 hides the following methods in the line annotation element because they should be used only internally:

  • intersects
  • isOnLabel

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 normalizes the properties of the annotation elements in order to be based on common box model.

# Box annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'box' annotation:


The label of a box annotation is described as a label annotation and accessible by element.label.

# Ellipse annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'ellipse' annotation:


# Label annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'label' annotation:


# Line annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'line' annotation:


The label of a line annotation is described as a label annotation and accessible by element.label.

# Point annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'point' annotation:


# Polygon annotation

The following diagram is showing the element properties about a 'polygon' annotation:


# Events

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 introduces the interaction options, to configure which events trigger annotation interactions. By default, the plugin uses the chart interaction configuration (opens new window).

The dblclick event hook was removed from annotations options because, being executed asynchronously, it can not enable the chart re-rendering, automatically after processing the event completely. This is important when the user requires re-draws. It gets slow and messy if every event hook does the draw (or update!).

# Types

chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin version 2 removes the compatibility with TypeScript versions less than 4.1 which is the minimum supported one.

Last Updated: 10/16/2024, 4:13:40 PM