# Options

The options for chartjs-plugin-zoom should be placed in options.plugins.zoom in chart.js configuration.

The options are split in three sub-objects, limits, pan and zoom.

const chart = new Chart('id', {
  type: 'bar',
  data: {},
  options: {
    plugins: {
      zoom: {
        pan: {
          // pan options and/or events
        limits: {
          // axis limits
        zoom: {
          // zoom options and/or events

# Pan

# Pan Options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable panning
mode 'x'|'y'|'xy' 'xy' Allowed panning directions
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for panning with mouse
overScaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Which of the enabled panning directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over a scale for that axis
threshold number 10 Minimal pan distance required before actually applying pan

# Pan Events

Name Arguments Description
onPan {chart} Called while the chart is being panned
onPanComplete {chart} Called once panning is completed
onPanRejected {chart,event} Called when panning is rejected due to missing modifier key. event is the a hammer event (opens new window) that failed
onPanStart {chart,event,point} Called when panning is about to start. If this callback returns false, panning is aborted and onPanRejected is invoked

# Zoom

# Zoom Options

Name Type Default Description
wheel WheelOptions Options of the mouse wheel behavior
drag DragOptions Options of the drag-to-zoom behavior
pinch PinchOptions Options of the pinch behavior
mode 'x'|'y'|'xy' 'xy' Allowed zoom directions
overScaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over a scale for that axis

# Wheel options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable zooming via mouse wheel
speed number 0.1 Factor of zoom speed via mouse wheel
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for zooming via mouse wheel

# Drag options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable drag-to-zoom
backgroundColor Color 'rgba(225,225,225,0.3)' Fill color
borderColor Color 'rgba(225,225,225)' Stroke color
borderWidth number 0 Stroke width
threshold number 0 Minimal zoom distance required before actually applying zoom
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for drag-to-zoom

# Pinch options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable zooming via pinch

# Zoom Events

Name Arguments Description
onZoom {chart} Called while the chart is being zoomed
onZoomComplete {chart} Called once zooming is completed
onZoomRejected {chart,event} Called when zoom is rejected due to missing modifier key. event is the a hammer event (opens new window) that failed
onZoomStart {chart,event,point} Called when zooming is about to start. If this callback returns false, zooming is aborted and onZoomRejected is invoked

# Limits

Limits options define the limits per axis for pan and zoom.

# Limit options

Name Type Description
x ScaleLimits Limits for x-axis
y ScaleLimits Limits for y-axis

If you're using multiple or custom axes (scales), you can define limits for those, too.

const chart = new Chart('id', {
  type: 'line',
  data: {},
  options: {
    scales: {
      y: {
        min: 20,
        max: 80,
      y2: {
        position: 'right',
        min: -5,
        max: 5
    plugins: {
      zoom: {
        limits: {
          y: {min: 0, max: 100},
          y2: {min: -5, max: 5}

# Scale Limits

Name Type Description
min number | 'original' Minimum allowed value for scale.min
max number | 'original' Maximum allowed value for scale.max
minRange number Minimum allowed range (max - min). This defines the max zoom level.

You may use the keyword 'original' in place of a numeric limit to instruct chartjs-plugin-zoom to use whatever limits the scale had when the chart was first displayed.

Last Updated: 3/24/2022, 11:23:29 AM