# Options

The options for chartjs-plugin-zoom should be placed in options.plugins.zoom in chart.js configuration.

The options are split in three sub-objects, limits, pan and zoom.

export const chart = new Chart('id', {
  type: 'bar',
  data: {},
  options: {
    plugins: {
      zoom: {
        pan: {
          // pan options and/or events
        limits: {
          // axis limits
        zoom: {
          // zoom options and/or events

# Pan

# Pan Options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable panning
mode 'x'|'y'|'xy' 'xy' Allowed panning directions
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for panning with mouse
scaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Enable panning over a scale for that axis (regardless of mode)
overScaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Enable panning over a scale for that axis (but only if mode is also enabled), and disables panning along that axis otherwise. Deprecated.
threshold number 10 Minimal pan distance required before actually applying pan

# Pan Events

Name Arguments Description
onPan {chart} Called while the chart is being panned
onPanComplete {chart} Called once panning is completed
onPanRejected {chart,event} Called when panning is rejected due to missing modifier key. event is a Hammer event (opens new window) that failed
onPanStart {chart,event,point} Called when panning is about to start. If this callback returns false, panning is aborted and onPanRejected is invoked

# Zoom

# Zoom Options

Name Type Default Description
wheel WheelOptions Options of the mouse wheel behavior
drag DragOptions Options of the drag-to-zoom behavior
pinch PinchOptions Options of the pinch behavior
mode 'x'|'y'|'xy' 'xy' Allowed zoom directions
scaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Which of the enabled zooming directions should only be available when the mouse cursor is over a scale for that axis
overScaleMode 'x'|'y'|'xy' undefined Allowed zoom directions when the mouse cursor is over a scale for that axis (but only if mode is also enabled), and disables zooming along that axis otherwise. Deprecated; use scaleMode instead.

# Wheel options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable zooming via mouse wheel
speed number 0.1 Factor of zoom speed via mouse wheel
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for zooming via mouse wheel

# Drag options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable drag-to-zoom
backgroundColor Color 'rgba(225,225,225,0.3)' Fill color
borderColor Color 'rgba(225,225,225)' Stroke color
borderWidth number 0 Stroke width
drawTime string beforeDatasetsDraw When the dragging box is drawn on the chart
threshold number 0 Minimal zoom distance required before actually applying zoom
modifierKey 'ctrl'|'alt'|'shift'|'meta' null Modifier key required for drag-to-zoom
maintainAspectRatio boolean undefined Maintain aspect ratio of the chart

# Draw Time

The drawTime option for zooming determines where in the chart lifecycle the drag box drawing occurs. Four potential options are available:

Option Notes
'beforeDraw' Occurs before any drawing takes place
'beforeDatasetsDraw' Occurs after drawing of axes, but before datasets
'afterDatasetsDraw' Occurs after drawing of datasets but before items such as the tooltip
'afterDraw' After other drawing is completed

# Pinch options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable zooming via pinch

# Zoom Events

Name Arguments Description
onZoom {chart} Called while the chart is being zoomed
onZoomComplete {chart} Called once zooming is completed
onZoomRejected {chart,event} Called when zoom is rejected due to missing modifier key. event is a Hammer event (opens new window) that failed
onZoomStart {chart,event,point} Called when zooming is about to start. If this callback returns false, zooming is aborted and onZoomRejected is invoked

# Limits

Limits options define the limits per axis for pan and zoom.

# Limit options

Name Type Description
x ScaleLimits Limits for x-axis
y ScaleLimits Limits for y-axis

If you're using multiple or custom axes (scales), you can define limits for those, too.

export const chart = new Chart('id', {
  type: 'line',
  data: {},
  options: {
    scales: {
      y: {
        min: 20,
        max: 80,
      y2: {
        position: 'right',
        min: -5,
        max: 5
    plugins: {
      zoom: {
        limits: {
          y: {min: 0, max: 100},
          y2: {min: -5, max: 5}

# Scale Limits

Name Type Description
min number | 'original' Minimum allowed value for scale.min
max number | 'original' Maximum allowed value for scale.max
minRange number Minimum allowed range (max - min). This defines the max zoom level.

You may use the keyword 'original' in place of a numeric limit to instruct chartjs-plugin-zoom to use whatever limits the scale had when the chart was first displayed.

Last Updated: 2/15/2025, 9:30:36 PM