Position This sample shows how to use the tooltip position mode setting.
const config = {
type: 'line' ,
data: data,
options: {
interaction: {
intersect: false ,
mode: 'index' ,
} ,
plugins: {
title: {
display: true ,
text : ( ctx ) => 'Tooltip position mode: ' + ctx. chart. options. plugins. tooltip. position,
} ,
} ;
components. Tooltip. positioners. bottom = function ( items ) {
const pos = components. Tooltip. positioners. average ( items) ;
if ( pos === false ) {
return false ;
const chart = this . _chart;
return {
x: pos. x,
y: chart. chartArea. bottom,
} ;
} ; const DATA_COUNT = 7 ;
const NUMBER_CFG = { count: DATA_COUNT , min: - 100 , max: 100 } ;
const data = {
labels: Utils. months ( { count: DATA_COUNT } ) ,
datasets: [
label: 'Dataset 1' ,
data: Utils. numbers ( NUMBER_CFG ) ,
fill: false ,
borderColor: Utils. CHART_COLORS . red,
backgroundColor: Utils. transparentize ( Utils. CHART_COLORS . red, 0.5 ) ,
} ,
label: 'Dataset 2' ,
data: Utils. numbers ( NUMBER_CFG ) ,
fill: false ,
borderColor: Utils. CHART_COLORS . blue,
backgroundColor: Utils. transparentize ( Utils. CHART_COLORS . blue, 0.5 ) ,
} ,
} ; const actions = [
name: 'Position: average' ,
handler ( chart ) {
chart. options. plugins. tooltip. position = 'average' ;
chart. update ( ) ;
} ,
name: 'Position: nearest' ,
handler ( chart ) {
chart. options. plugins. tooltip. position = 'nearest' ;
chart. update ( ) ;
} ,
name: 'Position: bottom (custom)' ,
handler ( chart ) {
chart. options. plugins. tooltip. position = 'bottom' ;
chart. update ( ) ;
} ,
] ; Last Updated: 5/29/2021, 9:35:57 PM