# Linear Gradient

let width, height, gradient;
function getGradient(ctx, chartArea) {
  const chartWidth = chartArea.right - chartArea.left;
  const chartHeight = chartArea.bottom - chartArea.top;
  if (!gradient || width !== chartWidth || height !== chartHeight) {
    // Create the gradient because this is either the first render
    // or the size of the chart has changed
    width = chartWidth;
    height = chartHeight;
    gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, chartArea.bottom, 0, chartArea.top);
    gradient.addColorStop(0, Utils.CHART_COLORS.blue);
    gradient.addColorStop(0.5, Utils.CHART_COLORS.yellow);
    gradient.addColorStop(1, Utils.CHART_COLORS.red);
  return gradient;

# Docs

Last Updated: 2/19/2025, 3:37:15 PM