# Interface: LegendItem
# Properties
# borderRadius
• Optional
borderRadius: number
| BorderRadius
Border radius of the legend box
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2093 (opens new window)
# datasetIndex
• datasetIndex: number
Index of the associated dataset
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2098 (opens new window)
# fillStyle
• Optional
fillStyle: Color
Fill style of the legend box
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2103 (opens new window)
# fontColor
• Optional
fontColor: Color
Font color for the text Defaults to LegendOptions.labels.color
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2109 (opens new window)
# hidden
• Optional
hidden: boolean
If true, this item represents a hidden dataset. Label will be rendered with a strike-through effect
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2114 (opens new window)
# lineCap
• Optional
lineCap: CanvasLineCap
For box border.
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2120 (opens new window)
# lineDash
• Optional
lineDash: number
For box border.
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2126 (opens new window)
# lineDashOffset
• Optional
lineDashOffset: number
For box border.
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2132 (opens new window)
# lineJoin
• Optional
lineJoin: CanvasLineJoin
For box border.
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2138 (opens new window)
# lineWidth
• Optional
lineWidth: number
Width of box border
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2143 (opens new window)
# pointStyle
• Optional
pointStyle: PointStyle
Point style of the legend box (only used if usePointStyle is true)
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2153 (opens new window)
# rotation
• Optional
rotation: number
Rotation of the point in degrees (only used if usePointStyle is true)
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2158 (opens new window)
# strokeStyle
• Optional
strokeStyle: Color
Stroke style of the legend box
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2148 (opens new window)
# text
• text: string
Label that will be displayed
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:2087 (opens new window)
# textAlign
• Optional
textAlign: TextAlign
Text alignment