# Interface: TickOptions

# Properties

# backdropColor

backdropColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext>

Color of label backdrops.

default 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)'

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2810 (opens new window)

# backdropPadding

backdropPadding: number | ChartArea

Padding of tick backdrop.

default 2

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2815 (opens new window)

# color

color: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext>

Color of tick

see Defaults.color

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2830 (opens new window)

# display

display: boolean

If true, show tick labels.

default true

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2825 (opens new window)

# font

font: Scriptable<FontSpec, ScriptableScaleContext>

see Fonts

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2834 (opens new window)

# major

major: Object

# Type declaration

Name Type Description
enabled boolean If true, major ticks are generated. A major tick will affect autoskipping and major will be defined on ticks in the scriptable options context. default false

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2860 (opens new window)

# padding

padding: number

Sets the offset of the tick labels from the axis

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2838 (opens new window)

# showLabelBackdrop

showLabelBackdrop: Scriptable<boolean, ScriptableScaleContext>

If true, draw a background behind the tick labels.

default false

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2843 (opens new window)

# textStrokeColor

textStrokeColor: Scriptable<Color, ScriptableScaleContext>

The color of the stroke around the text.

default undefined

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2848 (opens new window)

# textStrokeWidth

textStrokeWidth: Scriptable<number, ScriptableScaleContext>

Stroke width around the text.

default 0

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2853 (opens new window)

# z

z: number

z-index of tick layer. Useful when ticks are drawn on chart area. Values <= 0 are drawn under datasets, > 0 on top.

default 0

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2858 (opens new window)

# Methods

# callback

callback(tickValue, index, ticks): string | number

Returns the string representation of the tick value as it should be displayed on the chart. See callback.

# Parameters

Name Type
tickValue string | number
index number
ticks Tick[]

# Returns

string | number

# Defined in

index.esm.d.ts:2820 (opens new window)