# Interface: RadialLinearScale<O>
# Type parameters
Name | Type |
O | extends RadialLinearScaleOptions RadialLinearScaleOptions |
# Hierarchy
# Properties
# active
• Readonly
active: boolean
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:7 (opens new window)
# axis
• axis: string
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1189 (opens new window)
# bottom
• bottom: number
Bottom edge of the item. Set by layout system and cannot be used in update
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:41 (opens new window)
# chart
• Readonly
chart: Chart
<keyof ChartTypeRegistry
, (number
| ScatterDataPoint
| BubbleDataPoint
)[], unknown
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1179 (opens new window)
# ctx
• Readonly
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1178 (opens new window)
# fullSize
• fullSize: boolean
if true, and the item is horizontal, then push vertical boxes down
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:17 (opens new window)
# height
• height: number
Height of item. Must be valid after update()
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:25 (opens new window)
# id
• Readonly
id: string
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1176 (opens new window)
# labelRotation
• labelRotation: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1190 (opens new window)
# left
• left: number
Left edge of the item. Set by layout system and cannot be used in update
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:29 (opens new window)
# max
• max: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1192 (opens new window)
# maxHeight
• maxHeight: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1182 (opens new window)
# maxWidth
• maxWidth: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1181 (opens new window)
# min
• min: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1191 (opens new window)
# options
• Readonly
options: O
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:8 (opens new window)
# paddingBottom
• paddingBottom: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1185 (opens new window)
# paddingLeft
• paddingLeft: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1186 (opens new window)
# paddingRight
• paddingRight: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1187 (opens new window)
# paddingTop
• paddingTop: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1184 (opens new window)
# position
• position: LayoutPosition
The position of the item in the chart layout. Possible values are
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:9 (opens new window)
# right
• right: number
Right edge of the item. Set by layout system and cannot be used in update
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:37 (opens new window)
# ticks
• ticks: Tick
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1193 (opens new window)
# top
• top: number
Top edge of the item. Set by layout system and cannot be used in update
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:33 (opens new window)
# type
• Readonly
type: string
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1177 (opens new window)
# weight
• weight: number
The weight used to sort the item. Higher weights are further away from the chart area
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:13 (opens new window)
# width
• width: number
Width of item. Must be valid after update()
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:21 (opens new window)
# x
• Readonly
x: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:5 (opens new window)
# y
• Readonly
y: number
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:6 (opens new window)
# Methods
# afterBuildTicks
▸ afterBuildTicks(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1273 (opens new window)
# afterCalculateLabelRotation
▸ afterCalculateLabelRotation(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1279 (opens new window)
# afterDataLimits
▸ afterDataLimits(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1270 (opens new window)
# afterFit
▸ afterFit(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1282 (opens new window)
# afterSetDimensions
▸ afterSetDimensions(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1267 (opens new window)
# afterTickToLabelConversion
▸ afterTickToLabelConversion(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1276 (opens new window)
# afterUpdate
▸ afterUpdate(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1264 (opens new window)
# beforeBuildTicks
▸ beforeBuildTicks(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1271 (opens new window)
# beforeCalculateLabelRotation
▸ beforeCalculateLabelRotation(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1277 (opens new window)
# beforeDataLimits
▸ beforeDataLimits(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1268 (opens new window)
# beforeFit
▸ beforeFit(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1280 (opens new window)
# beforeLayout
▸ Optional
beforeLayout(): void
Called before the layout process starts
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:46 (opens new window)
# beforeSetDimensions
▸ beforeSetDimensions(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1265 (opens new window)
# beforeTickToLabelConversion
▸ beforeTickToLabelConversion(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1274 (opens new window)
# beforeUpdate
▸ beforeUpdate(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1262 (opens new window)
# buildTicks
▸ buildTicks(): Tick
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1272 (opens new window)
# calculateLabelRotation
▸ calculateLabelRotation(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1278 (opens new window)
# configure
▸ configure(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1263 (opens new window)
# determineDataLimits
▸ determineDataLimits(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1269 (opens new window)
# draw
▸ draw(chartArea
): void
Draws the element
# Parameters
Name | Type |
chartArea | ChartArea |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:50 (opens new window)
# drawGrid
▸ drawGrid(chartArea
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
chartArea | ChartArea |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1198 (opens new window)
# drawLabels
▸ drawLabels(chartArea
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
chartArea | ChartArea |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1197 (opens new window)
# drawTitle
▸ drawTitle(chartArea
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
chartArea | ChartArea |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1196 (opens new window)
# fit
▸ fit(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1281 (opens new window)
# generateTickLabels
▸ generateTickLabels(ticks
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
ticks | Tick [] |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1275 (opens new window)
# getBasePixel
▸ getBasePixel(): number
Returns the pixel for the minimum chart value The coordinate (0, 0) is at the upper-left corner of the canvas
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1254 (opens new window)
# getBasePosition
▸ getBasePosition(index
): Object
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
# Returns
Name | Type |
angle | number |
x | number |
y | number |
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3309 (opens new window)
# getBaseValue
▸ getBaseValue(): number
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1248 (opens new window)
# getDecimalForPixel
▸ getDecimalForPixel(pixel
): number
# Parameters
Name | Type |
pixel | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1204 (opens new window)
# getDistanceFromCenterForValue
▸ getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value
): number
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | number |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3304 (opens new window)
# getIndexAngle
▸ getIndexAngle(index
): number
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3303 (opens new window)
# getLabelForValue
▸ getLabelForValue(value
): string
Used to get the label to display in the tooltip for the given value
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1224 (opens new window)
# getLabels
▸ getLabels(): string
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1261 (opens new window)
# getLineWidthForValue
▸ getLineWidthForValue(value
): number
Returns the grid line width at given value
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1229 (opens new window)
# getMatchingVisibleMetas
▸ getMatchingVisibleMetas(type?
): ChartMeta
, AnyObject
>, Element
, AnyObject
>, keyof ChartTypeRegistry
# Parameters
Name | Type |
type? | string |
# Returns
, AnyObject
>, Element
, AnyObject
>, keyof ChartTypeRegistry
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1194 (opens new window)
# getMinMax
▸ getMinMax(canStack
): Object
# Parameters
Name | Type |
canStack | boolean |
# Returns
Name | Type |
max | number |
min | number |
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1259 (opens new window)
# getPadding
▸ Optional
getPadding(): ChartArea
Returns an object with padding on the edges
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:54 (opens new window)
# getPixelForDecimal
▸ getPixelForDecimal(decimal
): number
Utility for getting the pixel location of a percentage of scale The coordinate (0, 0) is at the upper-left corner of the canvas
# Parameters
Name | Type |
decimal | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1211 (opens new window)
# getPixelForTick
▸ getPixelForTick(index
): number
Returns the location of the tick at the given index The coordinate (0, 0) is at the upper-left corner of the canvas
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1218 (opens new window)
# getPixelForValue
▸ getPixelForValue(value
, index?
): number
Returns the location of the given data point. Value can either be an index or a numerical value The coordinate (0, 0) is at the upper-left corner of the canvas
# Parameters
Name | Type |
value | number |
index? | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1238 (opens new window)
# getPointLabelPosition
▸ getPointLabelPosition(index
): ChartArea
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3308 (opens new window)
# getPointPosition
▸ getPointPosition(index
, distanceFromCenter
): Object
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
distanceFromCenter | number |
# Returns
Name | Type |
angle | number |
x | number |
y | number |
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3306 (opens new window)
# getPointPositionForValue
▸ getPointPositionForValue(index
, value
): Object
# Parameters
Name | Type |
index | number |
value | number |
# Returns
Name | Type |
angle | number |
x | number |
y | number |
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3307 (opens new window)
# getProps
▸ getProps<P
, final?
): Pick
, P
# Type parameters
Name | Type |
P | extends never [] |
# Parameters
Name | Type |
props | P |
final? | boolean |
# Returns
, P
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:12 (opens new window)
# getTicks
▸ getTicks(): Tick
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1260 (opens new window)
# getUserBounds
▸ getUserBounds(): Object
# Returns
Name | Type |
max | number |
maxDefined | boolean |
min | number |
minDefined | boolean |
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1258 (opens new window)
# getValueForDistanceFromCenter
▸ getValueForDistanceFromCenter(distance
): number
# Parameters
Name | Type |
distance | number |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3305 (opens new window)
# getValueForPixel
▸ getValueForPixel(pixel
): number
Used to get the data value from a given pixel. This is the inverse of getPixelForValue The coordinate (0, 0) is at the upper-left corner of the canvas
# Parameters
Name | Type |
pixel | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1246 (opens new window)
# hasValue
▸ hasValue(): boolean
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:11 (opens new window)
# init
▸ init(options
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
options | O |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1256 (opens new window)
# isFullSize
▸ isFullSize(): boolean
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1284 (opens new window)
# isHorizontal
▸ isHorizontal(): boolean
returns true if the layout item is horizontal (ie. top or bottom)
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
layout.d.ts:58 (opens new window)
# parse
▸ parse(raw
, index
): unknown
# Parameters
Name | Type |
raw | unknown |
index | number |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1257 (opens new window)
# setCenterPoint
▸ setCenterPoint(leftMovement
, rightMovement
, topMovement
, bottomMovement
): void
# Parameters
Name | Type |
leftMovement | number |
rightMovement | number |
topMovement | number |
bottomMovement | number |
# Returns
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:3302 (opens new window)
# setDimensions
▸ setDimensions(): void
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
index.esm.d.ts:1266 (opens new window)
# tooltipPosition
▸ tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition?
): Point
# Parameters
Name | Type |
useFinalPosition? | boolean |
# Returns
# Inherited from
# Defined in
element.d.ts:10 (opens new window)
# update
▸ update(width
, height
, margins?
): void
Takes two parameters: width and height.
# Parameters
Name | Type |
width | number |
height | number |
margins? | ChartArea |
# Returns